An Emotional Goodbye

This post features student writing.

The last two days were so bittersweet. We got to share the result of our labor by turning over the houses to the families. For 3 weeks we’ve lived in the village and worked right along the loving families whom we’ve built for. We’ve also come to know their generous neighbors who have taken us in for rest and food each day. The Youth Union members and local children have become our very best friends, but it came time to say goodbye.

On Thursday we taught our last English lesson to the little kids and played games outside one more time. Laughs and tears mixed on everyone’s faces as we saw them home and went to our work sites for our last hours of labor. The construction crews were able to complete the final, professional touches after we left. The next day came the ribbon cutting ceremony. We visited all 3 new homes to admire the embodiment of this community collaboration and to say goodbye to the families. They were so grateful and wished us all safe travels plus the best health and happiness in our lives.

Friday evening was the final goodbye party put on by the Youth Union. We had a great time performing silly dances that we’d rehearsed, and watching enthusiastic performances by our Vietnamese hosts as well. Local and regional officials gave speeches congratulating us on our work and expressing gratitude for our friendship. After the ceremony was a huge bonfire which we gathered around, then watched a slide show with pictures from our journey. All of our Vietnamese friends and even some of the little school children came out for the party to see us one last time.

Finally it was time to go, but no one wanted to. We shared hugs, smiles, and tears, and told each other, “See you again,” hoping it might come true.

Now we are in Hanoi, beginning the next phase of our trip, but we’ve taken time to reflect on our service in Pho Chau and recognize the lessons we will never forget. Here are just a few words to describe:

“This journey has surpassed my expectations of community service.  I imagined I’d be building houses, but we have done so much more, by actually engaging in meaningful work and interactions with the community around us.  Service is more than the act of helping others, but forming a genuine connection with those who your service affects.”

– Wilds P.

“Everyone is so happy and full of joy. Everyone is focused on living the best life they can with what they have instead of focusing on getting more. Everyone in the village was so generous. They welcomed us into their homes with open arms and constantly offered us food. These actions would never have occurred in the U.S. since people are much more self centered and do not care as much about building a strong community. Coming into this trip, I was focused on the difference we were going to make in the villagers lives. I did not realize how much they were going to change my life. The locals taught me how to appreciate the little things in life and that no act, no matter how small, is insignificant.”

– Sawyer F.

“The Vietnamese people are the absolute greatest. I have experienced nothing but smiles and warmth from everybody here. I have become especially close with the kids. They are so sweet and happy. Generally, even with less resources,  I find people here seem to be a lot happier and nicer than people in America. Vietnam has been a good reminder to take my American ego down a notch while being able to see the country and have new experiences.”

– Mason F.

I never imagined I’d get so attached to the kids in the Youth Union or our students at the school and saying goodbye to some of them today was so much harder than I thought it would be. Even though we’re leaving, I truly believe that everyone here will remember us and what we did here just as long as we will remember them.”

– Bella M.

Just a few of the super fun children we taught in the school
Sawyer with Ta, the little girl of the family she built for.
Colleen, Olivia and Reilly with Ngan and some of the other kids
Work group with the mother we built for
Work group with the elderly couple we built for
Work group with the family we built for
All of us and our new friends at the goodbye party